Miss Deiss’ Earth & Arbor Projects

The past two weeks I have been swimming in plastic bags! To celebrate Earth Day & Arbor Day, we (5 students & I) hosted a Plastic Bag Drive! We designated a small space in my classroom where students kept busy collect, counting, sorting, grouping, and stuffing plastic bags!!! (Some “looked” like they had poop on them so I had a couple gaggers – lol) It got pretty competitive – especially once Dilly Bars were involved. The class with the most plastic bags collected won a dilly bar party! Our winning class had over 1,100 bags.

Grand total: over 7,900 plastic bags!


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On Arbor Day, we loaded a van FULL of our bags & took a trip to the Pierce County Recycling Center where we toured the facility, saw some serious recycling action, & dropped off our bags! What an AWESOME opportunity for my kids to learn goal making, predicting, organization skills, team work, dedication, communication skills, and leadership. These kids are rockstars! #luckiestteacherever

PS – if Room 231’s walls could talk, the past two weeks they’d have stories to tell… :)

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